Thursday, July 7, 2011


 How to release content for press

There are not many people who know the exact format of press release. For them it is just a simple piece of writing similar to article writing or website content writing. Unfortunately they are wrong in their opinion and that is the reason why most of the press release directories reject their posting. If you don’t want to commit this mistake then have a quick look on some of the main points that are considered essential while writing a press release.
                                                     Firstly you need to put the logo of your company in the middle of the document. Thereafter you need to make an attractive heading to catch instant attention of the user. For instance you can try a heading like: “Want to earn money through your website”. Once you get a catchy title, the next important thing is to make a sub heading. Often most of the people commit mistake here. They think just a title is sufficient but the same is not true! Once you are done with the title and subtitle, the next important thing is to write something informative for the users. You should not start describing your company first rather it should come after some important information for the user. To make a press release effective you must put your quotes or you can even add comments of others in quotes. Remember a press release is not an ordinary article so you should not think of copying anyone’s ideas. It should be unique and fresh.

For instance if you have a content writing company in india. If you want to make an announcement that your seo content indian company is going to launch web content writing in india then you should form a release stating the date of the launch along with the attractive features that your content writing India company is going to offer. By this way audience will know about your content writing telangana or content writing India company immediately after reading the press release
                                          COMPANY LOGO


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